Tax Documentation


The Tax Documentation API is designed to simplify the management and retrieval of tax-related documents. This endpoint is specifically tailored to facilitate the accurate collection and efficient handling of tax documentation for Account Owners via W8/W9.

What is Tax Documentation?

In the TaxBit system, Tax Documentation encompasses our Tax Identity Verification product, which covers the collection, generation, and remediation of the following document types:

  • W-9: A standardized IRS form that documents, under penalties of perjury, an individual or entity is a US Person and collects the user’s Name and Tax Identification Number (TIN) and other information needed to complete Form 1099 reporting.
  • W-8BEN: A standardized IRS form that documents, under penalties of perjury, an individual is not a US Person.
  • W-8BEN-E: A standardized IRS form that documents, under penalties of perjury, that an entity is not a US Person.

Key Terms

  • SDK Implementation: These are the API endpoints that power our Tax Documentation Collection SDK. For an optimized, lower effort implementation, you should consider integrating with the SDK rather than hitting these endpoints directly. More details can be found in our guide
  • Validation Requirements: These endpoints are highly restrictive and necessitate that input data pass thorough validation before acceptance. This ensures the accuracy and integrity of the tax documentation.
  • IRW Form Generation: Any end user with TaxDocumentation on file with TaxBit will have validated data used for their IRW form generation for a given tax year. This replaces the use of Personally Identifiable Information from the User objects.


The Documents API can be used for the following:

  • Tax Filing and Compliance: Simplify your workflow to onboard tax-related end user information via an API to easily submit and verify their W-9, W-8BEN, W-8BEN-E forms. This simplifies the process of certifying end user tax status and ensuring proper withholding.
  • W8/W9 Form Generation: The validated data from tax documentation collected through the API can be used to generate W8/W9 documents. This is particularly useful for to identify who needs withholding, reporting on end user activity, and reducing liability in the case of an audit.
  • Streamlined Document Management: The API simplifies the process of managing w8/w9 documents. It allows for easy retrieval of the most up-to-date tax documentation data and provides a convenient way to access specific documents.


  • An Account Owner must be created prior to passing Tax Documentation for it.
  • To make calls to these endpoints, you will need to use an Account Owner Bearer Token. Access to Tax Documentation APIs is limited to the scope of an Account Owner. This ensures that only authorized individuals can interact with these endpoints.
  • These steps will be helpful to understand the steps you must follow to submit Tax Documentation.

Available Actions

  • Submit Tax Documentation Data (POST): Submits complete and clean W-9, W-8BEN, or W-8BEN-E data for an Account Owner. Each submission is immutable.
  • Retrieve Latest Tax Documentation Data (GET): Returns the most recent W-9, W-8BEN, or W-8BEN-E data submission for an Account Owner
  • Retrieve Tax Documentation Data by ID (GET): Returns a specific W-9, W-8BEN, or W-8BEN-E data submission by its ID for an Account Owner
  • Retrieve Tax Documentation Summary (GET): Returns the Tax Documentation Type and Status, TIN Verification Status, Issues, and Expiration Date (if applicable), and Documentation ID for an Account Owner
  • Generate Tax Documentation Document (POST): Generate necessary tax documentation, such as W-9, W-8BEN, or W-8BEN-E forms.
  • Retrieve Tax Document by ID (GET): Retrieve specific tax documents using their unique identifiers.